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Quick Wins: Tips For Business Success

June 29, 20233 min read

Unleash the Power of Wisco Connect:
Quick Wins To Boost Your Business Success!

Are you seeking ways to skyrocket your lead generation, streamline conversations, and amplify customer reviews? Look no further! Wisco Connect is here with an amazing repertoire of features designed to propel your business forward. This post outlines ten “Quick Wins” that can accelerate your revenue and client retention in no time. Let’s dive right in!

Quick Win # 1:
The Power of SMS-Enabled Phone Numbers

In a world where everyone prefers texting, why not leverage this power for your business? With SMS-enabled phone numbers by Wisco Connect, you can enjoy higher delivery rates and impressive conversion numbers.

Portrait of a businesswoman concentrate on mobile phone and sitting at her workplace.

Quick Win # 2:
Never Miss a Call Again with the Missed-Call Text-Back feature

Don’t let missed calls be missed opportunities! With Wisco Connect’s missed-call text-back feature, any missed call promptly triggers a text message back to the caller. Beat the competition by catching those potential clients first!


Quick Win # 3:
Take Your Business on-the-go with the Wisco Connect Mobile App

Manage contacts, prospects, opportunities – all from the palm of your hand! Our mobile app could help extend client retention by up to 30%! How awesome is that?

Quick Win # 4:
Streamline Social Conversations - Facebook & Instagram

No more logging into multiple platforms! By connecting your social channels within Wisco Connect, all messages funnel into one place – making it so much easier for you.

Quick Win # 5:
Harness Google Traffic with Google Business Chat

Did you know that Google Business Profiles are often top-ranking search results? By integrating these profiles into Wisco Connect, you can unlock a new channel of free leads.

Quick Win # 6:
Skyrocket Sales with Reputation Management

Positive online reviews are sales powerhouses. With our easy-to-use review management tool integrated from Facebook and Google Business Profile, build an impeccable reputation without breaking a sweat.

Quick Win # 7:
Save Time with Automated Answers to FAQs

Say goodbye to repetitive queries! Set up automated responses for frequently asked questions and deliver lightning-fast replies to your customers.

7 FAQ Page Examples & A Guide for How to Build One

Quick Win # 8:
Keep Communication Flowing with the Web chat Widget

Our webchat widget eases communication as messages come through quickly via text in your conversation stream – no more waiting around open chat boxes!

Capture Lead Data and Contact Details During Out-of-Office Hours

Quick Win # 9:
Engage Potential Leads with Call To Action Forms

Wield our user-friendly drag-and-drop builders to create attention-grabbing CTA forms that generate leads and collect crucial contact info effortlessly.

*Update: Forms are even better now with our awesome new Form Templates!
Read about them here:

form templates

Quick Win # 10:
Feature All Vital Links on Social Link Pages

Stop choosing between important links; feature them all on our LinkTree-like pages. Showcase all vital links on one single page – simplicity at its best!

And here’s a Bonus tip for you!

Bonus Quick Win:
Use Our Automations To Follow Up On Leads - On Auto-Pilot!

We have workflows that will engage your new leads within just two minutes through automated email and text messaging services and even initiates a call alert for unanswered inquiries – truly making every lead count and followed up on, without you doing a thing!

At this point, we hope that you’re buzzing with excitement at the prospect of leveraging these quick wins by using Wisco Connect! If you’re eager to hit the ground running, sign up today at:

Thrive along with us because when YOU win WE win!

Bob Turner

Bob Turner is the Creative Director of Wisco Connect. He is also the founder and serves on the Creative Team as well.

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