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Black Friday Sale!

November 25, 20222 min read

Wisco Connect: Black Friday Sale

Announcing 3 offers for our Black Friday Sale:

1. Site For Life

Site For Life replaces your monthly or annual management & marketing payments with a 1-time payment for your Smart Website hosting, management and also included technology updates too. This amazing offer potentially saved our clients tens of thousands of dollars. Our provider no longer has this great deal available and thus, we have not able to offer it to our clients. However, we have just obtained a few "Site For Life" accounts and are now making them available to purchase. We have a very limited quantity left, so once they're gone, they are gone forever! Because it's Black Friday, we are also offering a limited time offer of $5,000 coupon as well! That means that Site For Life, which normally retails for $12,996, is now only $7,996! That's like pre-paying 2 or 3 years of service upfront and getting it for a Lifetime! Limited quantity available so sign up now. Once we sell out, they are gone!

• More Info & Sign Up:

2. Personalized White Glove 1-on-1 Onboarding

This comes with 2 separate Zoom sessions with our Support Team helping you fully setup and get going quicker with the Connect solution. Normally $299, this is currently on sale for only $99! This personal onboarding is highly recommended for all Connect users.

• More Info & Sign Up:

3. Small Business Success Package

Packed full of automations and features to help any and every business with our Connect solution, the Small Biz Success Package is amazing. Pre-built and packed with over 100+ workflows, pipelines, calendar setups and much more, this is a winner for your business. It will help get you more customers and even follow-up on missed opportunities, no-shows & more. It even comes with a meeting form that will update your contacts on every interaction you have with them so it's saved in their file forever and easy for you to see in the future. This form will also automatically follow-up with your contact after the meeting for you as well. It is amazing!! Just announced for Black Friday, this will normally retail for $1,499 per year but we are offering $200 off for this sale, making it only $1,299 per year forever! We are also including the Small Biz Success Package in all Ultra plans and Site For Life plans as well.

• Schedule a demo for more info:

Wisco Connect Support

Bob Turner

Bob Turner is the Creative Director of Wisco Connect. He is also the founder and serves on the Creative Team as well.

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